Source code for seutil.CliUtils

import argparse
from typing import *

from .LoggingUtils import LoggingUtils

[docs]class Option: def __init__(self): = str() self.type = "str" self.str_value = str()
[docs]class StoreInDict(argparse.Action): # def parse_values(self, values) -> Tuple[Sequence[Option], Sequence[str]]: # i = 0 # length = len(values) # # args = list() # options = list() # new_option = None # # while i < length: # cur_item = values[i] # if cur_item.startswith("-"): # if new_option is not None: # options.append(new_option) # # end if # new_option = Option() # # Value # if "=" in cur_item: # new_option. # # end while # if new_option is not None: # options.append(new_option) # # end if # return options, args def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): d = getattr(namespace, self.dest) types = dict() for opt in values: try: name, value = opt.split("=", 1) except: name = opt value = True # end try name = name.lstrip("-") if ":" in name: name, types[name] = name.split(":", 1) else: types[name] = "" if name in d: d[name].append(value) else: d[name] = [value] for name in d: if not types[name] == "list" and len(d[name]) == 1: d[name] = d[name][0] # end if if types[name] != "": d[name] = eval("{}(\"{}\")".format(types[name], d[name])) continue # end if try: intval = int(d[name]) except: pass else: d[name] = intval continue # end try try: floatval = float(d[name]) except: pass else: d[name] = floatval continue # end try setattr(namespace, self.dest, d)
[docs]def main(argv, actions: Dict[str, Callable], normalize_options: Callable[[Dict], Dict] = None): """ Main function for command line option parsing, in the form of "THIS action options...", Where each option is in the form of "-name=value". :param argv: The command line inputs, without the name of the script (sys.argv[1:]). :param actions: The mapping from action name to action function. :param normalize_options: Optional function to normalize options, by default identical function. """ logger = LoggingUtils.get_logger("CliUtils.main")"Starting") if normalize_options is None: normalize_options = lambda opts: opts if len(argv) == 0 or argv[0].startswith("-"): action = "default_action" cli_options = argv else: action = argv[0] cli_options = argv[1:] # end if # Prevent distinguish between positional arguments and optional arguments (HACK) p = argparse.ArgumentParser(prefix_chars=' ') p.add_argument("options", nargs="*", action=StoreInDict, default=dict()) options = p.parse_args(cli_options).options # normalize options options = normalize_options(options) if action in actions: actions[action](**options) else: print("No such action {}".format(action)) print("Available actions: {}".format(list(actions.keys()))) # end if"Terminating") return