Source code for seutil.IOUtils

from typing import *

from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import inspect
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pickle as pkl
import pydoc
import recordclass
import shutil
import subprocess
import typing_inspect
import yaml

[docs]def is_obj_record_class(obj: Any) -> bool: return obj is not None \ and isinstance(obj, recordclass.mutabletuple) or isinstance(obj, recordclass.dataobject)
[docs]def is_clz_record_class(clz: Type) -> bool: return clz is not None \ and inspect.isclass(clz) \ and (issubclass(clz, recordclass.mutabletuple) or issubclass(clz, recordclass.dataobject))
[docs]class IOUtils: """ Utility functions for I/O. """ # ---------- # Directory operations
[docs] class cd: """ Change directory. Usage: with <statements> # end with Using a string path is supported for backward compatibility. Using pathlib.Path should be preferred. """ def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path]): if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) # end if self.path = path # Path self.old_path = Path.cwd() # Path return def __enter__(self): os.chdir(self.path) return def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): os.chdir(self.old_path) return
# Deprecated # Use pathlib.Path.is_dir() instead
[docs] @classmethod def has_dir(cls, dirname) -> bool: return os.path.isdir(dirname)
# Deprecated # Use pathlib.Path.mkdir() instead
[docs] @classmethod def mk_dir(cls, dirname, mode=0o777, is_remove_if_exists: bool = False, is_make_parent: bool = True): """ Makes the directory. :param dirname: the name of the directory. :param mode: mode of the directory. :param is_remove_if_exists: if the directory with name already exists, whether to remove. :param is_make_parent: if make parent directory if not exists. """ if cls.has_dir(dirname): if is_remove_if_exists: rm_cmd = "rm {} -rf".format(dirname)["bash", "-c", rm_cmd]) else: return # end if parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dirname) if not cls.has_dir(parent_dir): if is_make_parent: cls.mk_dir(parent_dir, mode, is_remove_if_exists=False, is_make_parent=True) else: raise FileNotFoundError("Path not found: {}".format(parent_dir)) # end if os.mkdir(dirname, mode) return
[docs] @classmethod def rm_dir( cls, path: Path, ignore_non_exist: bool = True, force: bool = True, ): """ Removes the directory. :param path: the name of the directory. :param ignore_non_exist: ignores error if the directory does not exist. :param force: force remove the directory even it's non-empty. """ if path.is_dir(): if force: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) else: path.rmdir() # end if else: if ignore_non_exist: return else: raise FileNotFoundError("Trying to remove non-exist directory {}".format(path)) # end if # end if return
[docs] @classmethod def rm( cls, path: Path, ignore_non_exist: bool = True, force: bool = True, ): """ Removes the file/dir. :param path: the path to the file/dir to remove. :param ignore_non_exist: ignores error if the file/dir does not exist. :param force: force remove the file even it's protected / dir even it's non-empty. """ if path.is_dir(): cls.rm_dir(path, ignore_non_exist=ignore_non_exist, force=force) else: if path.exists(): path.unlink() else: if not ignore_non_exist: raise IOError(f"{path} does not exist")
# ---------- # File operations
[docs] class Format(Enum): txt = 0, # Plain text format pkl = 1, # Pickle format jsonPretty = 2, # Json format, with pretty-printing jsonNoSort = 3, # Json format, with pretty-printing, without sorting the keys in dictionary json = 4, # Json format, without pretty-printing (eveything on one line) jsonList = 5, # Json format, assuming a list structure and put each item on one line txtList = 6, # Plain text format, dump/load as a list where each line is an element yaml = 7, # YAML format
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, string: str) -> "IOUtils.Format": return { "pkl": IOUtils.Format.pkl, "json": IOUtils.Format.jsonPretty, "json-nosort": IOUtils.Format.jsonNoSort, "json_nosort": IOUtils.Format.jsonNoSort, "json-min": IOUtils.Format.json, "json_min": IOUtils.Format.json, }.get(string, IOUtils.Format.txt)
[docs] def get_extension(self) -> str: return { IOUtils.Format.txt: "txt", IOUtils.Format.pkl: "pkl", IOUtils.Format.jsonPretty: "json", IOUtils.Format.jsonNoSort: "json", IOUtils.Format.json: "json", IOUtils.Format.jsonList: "jsonl", IOUtils.Format.txtList: "txt", IOUtils.Format.yaml: "yml", }.get(self, "unknown")
IO_FORMATS: Dict[Format, Dict] = defaultdict(lambda: { "mode": "t", "dumpf": (lambda obj, f: f.write(obj)), "loadf": (lambda f: }) IO_FORMATS[Format.pkl]["mode"] = "b" IO_FORMATS[Format.pkl]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: pkl.dump(obj, f, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) IO_FORMATS[Format.pkl]["loadf"] = lambda f: pkl.load(f) IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonPretty]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonPretty]["loadf"] = lambda f: yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # allows some format errors (e.g., trailing commas) IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonNoSort]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4) IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonNoSort]["loadf"] = lambda f: yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # allows some format errors (e.g., trailing commas) IO_FORMATS[Format.json]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: json.dump(obj, f, sort_keys=True) IO_FORMATS[Format.json]["loadf"] = lambda f: json.load(f) IO_FORMATS[Format.yaml]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: yaml.dump(obj, f) IO_FORMATS[Format.yaml]["loadf"] = lambda f: yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
[docs] @classmethod def dumpf_json_list(cls, obj, f): for item in obj: f.write(json.dumps(item) + "\n")
[docs] @classmethod def loadf_json_list(cls, f) -> List: obj = [] for line in f.readlines(): obj.append(json.loads(line)) return obj
IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonList]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: IOUtils.dumpf_json_list(obj, f) IO_FORMATS[Format.jsonList]["loadf"] = lambda f: IOUtils.loadf_json_list(f)
[docs] @classmethod def dumpf_txt_list(cls, obj, f): for item in obj: f.write(str(item) + "\n")
[docs] @classmethod def loadf_txt_list(cls, f) -> List: return
IO_FORMATS[Format.txtList]["dumpf"] = lambda obj, f: IOUtils.dumpf_txt_list(obj, f) IO_FORMATS[Format.txtList]["loadf"] = lambda f: IOUtils.loadf_txt_list(f)
[docs] @classmethod def dump( cls, file_path: Union[str, Path], obj: object, fmt: Union[Format, str] = Format.jsonPretty, append: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Saves an object to the file in the specified format. By default, the format is json pretty-print, and the existing content in the file will be erased. :param file_path: the file to save the object into. :param obj: the object to save. :param fmt: the format, one of IOUtils.Format. :param append: if true, appends to the file instead of erasing existing content in the file. """ if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = Path(file_path) file_path.touch(exist_ok=True) if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = cls.Format.from_str(fmt) conf = cls.IO_FORMATS[fmt] write_mode = "w" if not append else "a" with open(file_path, write_mode + conf["mode"]) as f: conf["dumpf"](obj, f) return
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file_path: Union[str, Path], fmt: Union[Format, str] = Format.jsonPretty) -> Any: if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = Path(file_path) # end if if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = cls.Format.from_str(fmt) conf = cls.IO_FORMATS[fmt] try: with open(file_path, "r" + conf["mode"]) as f: obj = conf["loadf"](f) # end with except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError(str(e) + " at {}".format(Path.cwd())) # end try return obj
[docs] @classmethod def load_json_stream(cls, file_path: Union[str, Path], fmt: Union[Format, str] = Format.jsonPretty): """ Reads large json file containing a list of data iteratively. Returns a generator function. """ import ijson if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = Path(file_path) # end if if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = cls.Format.from_str(fmt) conf = cls.IO_FORMATS[fmt] try: with open(file_path, "r" + conf["mode"]) as f: objects = ijson.items(f, "item") for obj in objects: yield obj # end with except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError(str(e) + " at {}".format(Path.cwd()))
# end try
[docs] @classmethod def update_json(cls, file_name, data): """ Updates the json data file. The data should be dict like (support update). """ try: orig_data = cls.load(file_name) except: orig_data = dict() # end try orig_data.update(data) cls.dump(file_name, orig_data) return orig_data
[docs] @classmethod def extend_json(cls, file_name, data): """ Updates the json data file. The data should be list like (support extend). """ try: orig_data = cls.load(file_name) except: orig_data = list() # end try orig_data.extend(data) cls.dump(file_name, orig_data) return orig_data
JSONFY_FUNC_NAME = "jsonfy" DEJSONFY_FUNC_NAME = "dejsonfy" JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME = "jsonfy_attr"
[docs] @classmethod def jsonfy(cls, obj): """ Turns an object to a json-compatible data structure. A json-compatible data can only have list, dict (with str keys), str, int and float. Any object of other classes will be casted through (try each option in order, if applicable): 1. JSONFY function, which takes no argument and returns a json-compatible data; should have the name {@link IOUtils#JSONFY_FUNC_NAME}; 2. JSONFY_ATTR field, which is a dict of attribute name-type pairs, that will be extracted from the object to a dict; should have the name {@link IOUtils#JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME}; 3. cast to a string. """ if obj is None: return None elif isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool)): # primitive types return obj elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)): # array return [cls.jsonfy(item) for item in obj] elif isinstance(obj, dict): # dict return {k: cls.jsonfy(v) for k, v in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, Enum): # Enum return obj.value elif hasattr(obj, cls.JSONFY_FUNC_NAME): # with jsonfy function return getattr(obj, cls.JSONFY_FUNC_NAME)() elif hasattr(obj, cls.JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME): # with jsonfy_attr annotations return {attr: cls.jsonfy(getattr(obj, attr)) for attr in getattr(obj, cls.JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME).keys()} elif is_obj_record_class(obj): # RecordClass if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"): # Older versions of recordclass return {k: cls.jsonfy(v) for k, v in obj.__dict__.items()} else: # Newer versions of recordclass return {k: cls.jsonfy(getattr(obj, k)) for k in obj.__fields__} else: # Last effort: toString return repr(obj)
[docs] @classmethod def dejsonfy(cls, data, clz: Optional[Union[Type, str]] = None): """ Turns a json-compatible data structure to an object of class {@code clz}. If {@code clz} is not assigned, the data will be casted to dict or list if possible. Otherwise the data will be casted to the object through (try each option in order, if applicable): 1. DEJSONFY function, which takes the data as argument and returns a object; should have the name {@link IOUtils#DEJSONFY_FUNC_NAME}; 2. JSONFY_ATTR field, which is a dict of attribute name-type pairs, that will be extracted from the object to a dict; should have the name {@link IOUtils#JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME}; """ if isinstance(clz, str): clz = pydoc.locate(clz) if data is None: # None value return None elif clz is not None and typing_inspect.get_origin(clz) == list: # List[XXX] return [cls.dejsonfy(item, clz.__args__[0]) for item in data] elif clz is not None and typing_inspect.get_origin(clz) == tuple: # Tuple[XXX] return tuple([cls.dejsonfy(item, clz.__args__[min(i, len(clz.__args__)-1)]) for i, item in enumerate(data)]) elif clz is not None and typing_inspect.get_origin(clz) == set: # Set[XXX] return set([cls.dejsonfy(item, clz.__args__[0]) for item in data]) elif clz is not None and hasattr(clz, cls.DEJSONFY_FUNC_NAME): # with dejsonfy function return clz.dejsonfy(data) elif isinstance(data, list): # array return [cls.dejsonfy(item, clz) for item in data] elif clz is not None and hasattr(clz, cls.JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME): # with jsonfy_attr annotations obj = clz() for attr, attr_clz in getattr(clz, cls.JSONFY_ATTR_FIELD_NAME).items(): if attr in data: setattr(obj, attr, cls.dejsonfy(data[attr], attr_clz)) return obj elif clz is not None and is_clz_record_class(clz): # RecordClass field_values = dict() for f, t in get_type_hints(clz).items(): if f in data: field_values[f] = cls.dejsonfy(data.get(f), t) return clz(**field_values) elif clz is not None and inspect.isclass(clz) and issubclass(clz, Enum): # Enum return clz(data) elif isinstance(data, dict): # dict return {k: cls.dejsonfy(v, clz) for k, v in data.items()} else: # primitive types / unresolvable things if clz is not None: try: return clz(data) except: pass return data