Source code for seutil.project.Project

import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import *

from .. import io, bash, log
from .ProjectResults import ProjectResults

logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.INFO)

[docs]class Project: DOWNLOADS_DIR = Path.cwd() / "_downloads" RESULTS_DIR = Path.cwd() / "_results"
[docs] @classmethod def set_downloads_dir(cls, path: Path): cls.DOWNLOADS_DIR = path return
[docs] @classmethod def set_results_dir(cls, path: Path): cls.RESULTS_DIR = path return
def __init__(self): self.full_name: str = "UNKNOWN" # Should always be a valid directory name, i.e., not containing "/", " ", etc. self.url: str = "" self.checkout_dir: Path = None Dict = dict() self.results: ProjectResults = None return
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: jsonfied = dict() jsonfied["full_name"] = self.full_name jsonfied["url"] = self.url for e, v in if e in ["full_name", "url"]: continue else: jsonfied[e] = v return jsonfied
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data) -> "Project": obj = cls() obj.full_name = data["full_name"] obj.url = data["url"] return obj
[docs] def init_results(self, results_dir: Path = None): if results_dir is None: results_dir = self.default_results_dir results = ProjectResults() results.full_name = self.full_name results.results_dir = results_dir self.results = results return
@property def is_connected_to_results(self): return self.results is not None
[docs] @classmethod def from_projects_database(cls, projects_database: List[Dict]) -> List["Project"]: projects = list() for project_data in projects_database: project = Project() project.full_name = project_data["full_name"].replace("/", "_") = project_data project.url = "{}".format(project_data["full_name"]) projects.append(project) return projects
@property def default_checkout_dir(self): return Project.DOWNLOADS_DIR / self.full_name @property def default_results_dir(self): return Project.RESULTS_DIR / self.full_name @property def default_branch(self): return"default_branch", "HEAD") @property def logger_prefix(self): return "Project {}: ".format(self.full_name) @property def is_cloned(self): return self.checkout_dir is not None
[docs] def clone(self, checkout_dir: Path = None, is_force_update: bool = False): """ Clones the project to path. The project will be checked-out to the default branch, latest revision. If the project is already cloned, then will only move the project to the given path, and check out to the default branch, latest revision. :param checkout_dir: the location to clone and checkout the project. :param is_force_update: if true, then will re-clone regardless of whether the project is cloned before. """ # Get default checkout path if checkout_dir is None: if self.checkout_dir is not None: checkout_dir = self.checkout_dir else: checkout_dir = self.default_checkout_dir # Respect is_force_update if is_force_update: self.remove() checkout_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.checkout_dir is None: # Clone, if not done so + f"Cloning to {checkout_dir}") with"git clone {self.url} .") else: # Move, if has already cloned version self.logger_prefix + f"Already cloned to {self.checkout_dir}, moving to {checkout_dir}" ) shutil.move(str(self.checkout_dir), str(checkout_dir)) # Update checkout path self.checkout_dir = checkout_dir # Update repo self.update() return
[docs] def require_cloned(self) -> None: """ Checks if the project is cloned. :raises Exception: if the project is not cloned. """ if not self.is_cloned: raise Exception("Project is not cloned") return
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the cloned repo to the latest version of default branch. """ self.require_cloned() self.logger_prefix + f"Updating to latest version of branch {self.default_branch}" ) with self.checkout(self.default_branch, True)"git fetch", check_returncode=0) self.checkout(self.default_branch, True) return
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """ Removes the project from local disk if it is cloned. Do nothing otherwise. """ if self.is_cloned: + "Removing") shutil.rmtree(self.checkout_dir, ignore_errors=True) self.checkout_dir = None else: + "Already removed")
[docs] def checkout(self, revision: str, is_forced: bool = False) -> None: """ Checks out to the given revision. :requires: the project to be cloned. :param revision: the target revision. :param is_forced: if do force checkout or not. """ self.require_cloned() + "Checking-out to {}".format(revision)) with f"git checkout {'-f' if is_forced else ''} {revision}", check_returncode=0, )
[docs] def clean(self) -> None: """ Cleans any extra files in the repository that is not indexed by git (either git-ignored or not). :requires: the project to be cloned. """ self.require_cloned() + "Cleaning") with"git clean -ffdx", check_returncode=0)
@property def revision(self) -> str: """ Returns the current revision of the project. :requires: the project to be cloned. :return: the current revision of the project. """ self.require_cloned() with revision = "git log --pretty='%H' -1", check_returncode=0 ).stdout.strip() return revision
[docs] def get_all_revisions(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the revisions of the history of the current branch, before (and include) the current revision. The revisions are sorted in chronological order, i.e., latest revision at last. Updates the results with "all_revisions.json". :requires: the project to be cloned. :return: the list of revisions of current branch history, sorted in chronological order. """ self.require_cloned() with # Revisions in chronological order all_revisions = "git log --pretty='%H'", check_returncode=0 ).stdout.split("\n")[:-1] all_revisions.reverse() self.logger_prefix + "All revisions count: {}".format(len(all_revisions)) ) if self.is_connected_to_results: self.results.dump_meta_result("all_revisions.json", all_revisions) return all_revisions
[docs] def for_each_revision( self, func_revision: Callable[["Project", str], None], revisions: Iterable[str], is_auto_checkout: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Runs the func_revision for each revision. :param func_revision: the function to run, which takes a Project object and a string revision, and is able to access the ProjectResults. :param revisions: the revisions to run the function. :param is_auto_checkout: if set to False then will not automatically checkout each revision. """ if isinstance(revisions, list): revisions_count = len(revisions) else: revisions_count = "-" for revision_idx, revision in enumerate(revisions): self.logger_prefix + "Revision {}/{} <{}>".format( revision_idx + 1, revisions_count, revision ) ) if is_auto_checkout: self.checkout(revision, True) with func_revision(self, revision)